Customer Experience, a brand to be a friend for a User as a Customer.

Kamal Raj
3 min readFeb 12, 2020

What’s customer Experience? It’s all available across the internet, what it is.

Through this writeup, I express my view, as a customer to a brand.

As a designer, how we can provide the Brand with a happy customer?

CX deals with the BRAND. As the brand holds various touchpoints like websites, mobile apps, etc. Customers are interacting with brands through websites, mobile apps & so on. Through CX we are polishing every touchpoint. It’s all feels similar to UX, but it’s not exactly. CX & UX it is entirely different concepts. CX tends to more commercial and brand focus.

Understand who is a customer and user.

“ Every user may not be a customer. But all customers will be a user. “

A good CX builds trust for the user as a customer.

Consider an example of adding a culture page to a website, in addition to contact us.

This will showcase the user more about the brand and its products, which is purely customer-centric.

We are applying a good UX to the websites, mobile app, respective dashboards for a particular Brand. CX is the user’s approach to that same and he must be treated as a good customer.

Let’s take some scenarios, to understand why CX is much important.

Good UI & UX but having Bad CX :

  1. consider we got a portal for ordering food. It gots super usability, pleasant experience & good looking. But refunding canceled order requires a lot of time to get confirmation from the customer service agent. There arises bad CX. In this case, what do you think? Do they revisit the portal? They will not.
  2. Next, take a portal having login/signup, there arises a bad CX while an email verification takes more time.

Solution :

While registering a profile, while it takes a long processing time, we can place some sort of Label displays / interactive animation for avoiding them from getting irritated or else we can place some text messages that we are unable to contact you at this moment, will get back to you soon! This will make a compliment for the customer.

Bad UI & UX but having Good CX

  1. In an app, the user is unable to find log history due to lower usability, arises a bad UX. But the customer problem got solved easily through chat support. There arises a good CX.

Result: Decrease Bounce Rate

Conclusion :

Having a good UI & UX doesn’t mean we have a good CX and vice versa.

People spend money, we provide them the best experience, without any difficulties through websites, mobile apps & so on for our brand.

UX Converts a user to a customer, while having good CX make the customer happy, and he will get the emotions like trust, comfort, genuine regards the BRAND through various touchpoints.

The result of CX is better customer satisfaction.

Recommending a brand to be a friend for a customer.

